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InSpire, Crypt at St Peter's (Walworth), free, just turn up, until 24 June His exhibition, The Fire in Us All invites us to contemplate these artworks in a religious setting.

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THE FIRE IN US ALL: Using imagery taken from nightclubs and raves, Lucas Reynes-Matter creates drawings of men and women who struggle for freedom from the mundane, fear and - ultimately - death. Design Museum (Kensington), free, just turn up, until 19 June It's the sportswear brand that's in focus here, from how it was founded, to the people who wear it, to the man whose name adorns it. Southbank Centre, various prices, until 19 June Join a silent disco tour around WandsworthįRED PERRY: Last chance to see this exhibition about tennis player turned fashion brand Fred Perry. Highlights include a tribute to Barry White by the Love Unlimited Synth Orchestra, a performance by Black feminist punk band Big Joanie, and a celebration of Africa Fashion Week London.

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MELTDOWN: This year's Meltdown Festival, curated by Grace Jones, runs until Sunday. Authors, leaders, social scientists, and policymakers explore the practical steps we could be taking to shape a better world through talks and films on topics such as tackling inequality and future-proofing your career. LSE FESTIVAL: How to we get to a post-Covid world? That's the topic of this year's LSE Festival, a mixture of online and in-person events.

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